Teh Meme Wiki
Amogus Template

An image of an Amogus.

"Amogus *Music*"
– Amogus ඞ

Sus Description[]

Amogus (pronounced am-oh-guss) is a bastardized version of the name of the online 2018 video game Among Us similar to Among Drip and When The Imposter Is Sus that has been made with StoneToss comic - Little Bit

In January 2021, the word gained popularity as a catchphrase used in ironic memes, often used to replace dialogue in various cartoons, particularly those created by webcomic artist StoneToss. Additionally, Amogus refers to an even more simplified like drawing of a crewmate from Among Us used in these types of memes. The plural of the "Amogus" species is known as "Amongi."

Sus Origins[]

On December 11, 2020, Redditor star-platinum___ posted the earliest known meme that referred to the 2018 video lol game Among Us, which gained viral popularity during Autumn 2020, as "Amog Us." The post received over 680 upvotes but did not spawn a trend.

On January 16, 2021, Redditor Lewdvik posted an edit of a panel from a cartoon by webcomic artist, StoneToss, replacing one of the characters in the comic with a white crewmate from Among Us and changing the the dialogue line to the single word "amogus." The post received over 7,500 upvotes in the /r/antifastonetoss subreddit in 1 year ago (shown below).

The origin of amogus was very simple. It started with a few sticks being twisted and flung around and someone thought they made a shape that kind of looked like an Among Us crewmate. After that, someone had trouble pronouncing ''Among Us'' and instead they said, ''Amogus''. The meme has currently gone worldwide and many people enjoy watching it. And he is the King of the memes being one of the most popular meme pages on this wiki.

Amogus Stonetoss (Original)
Make it stop please

Spreading the susඞ[]

In the following weeks, the image received viral spread online. For example, on January 20, 2021, iFunny user bamboosle posted a cropped version of the meme, gaining over 28K smiles in three weeks.

On January 16, 2021, Redditor Transformers1_480 posted the earliest derivative meme reusing the caption, editing another cartoon by StoneToss. The post received over 8,600 upvotes in /r/ComedyNecrophilia subreddit in one month (shown below, top). On January 23, Redditor AtbBerare posted another version of the meme, gaining over 2,200 upvotes in three weeks (shown below, bottom).

Starting in late January 2021, the catchphrase gained notable popularity in ironic meme communities on Reddit, such as /r/ComedyNecrophilia and /r/okbuddyretard, and on iFunny, often being used to replace dialogue lines in various comics and being combined with When the Imposter Is Sus meme / Jerma face. For example, on January 27, 2021, Redditor Icerob711 posted a meme that received over 2,300 upvotes in two weeks (shown below, top). On January 30, iFunny user MenesSlavos posted a dub of an earlier meme, with the post gaining over 16,300 smiles in one week. On February 5, Redditor KindaCringe2 posted a meme that gained over 11,100 upvotes in one week (shown below, bottom).

In addition to its use in memes, the catchphrase has been used as an ironic comment on social media.

More comics of this variety have been made on the Sustoss twitter accounts, which posts similar edits of Stonetoss comics.

Sus Related memes[]


  • Tiky is a meme that have the same structure as Amogus; a distortioned character with distortionoed name. Tiky is based on Tricky, a character from web series "Madness Combat". The meme became popular in FNF (Friday Night Funkin', a rhythm video game) fandom and in Madness Combat (Web animated series) fandom.

Things That Look Like Among Us[]

Things That Look Like Among Us and among drip refers to a series of image macros depicting various objects and images that resemble the crewmates from the online video game Among Us and among drip is a song. In memes, many of these typically appear alongside text expressing insanity and frustration over seeing the character in everyday life an.


Sus is short version of word "suspicious" that used in Among Us if a player looks like impostor. Meme was created by streamer Jerma that used this word first, and having a alternative term "Sussy".

I Can't Breathe[]

There is also a version of George Floyd saying "I can't breathe" and playing among us drip.

The 69th Amendment[]

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Amongi are created equal, that they are mogussed by their discord moderaters with certain sussy wussy tasks, that among us these are Crewmates, Imposters, and the pursuit of Susiness."


Various examples[]

Among us drip


Trash can among us



  1. ↑ star-platinum___ (December 11, 2020). "WTF RUST COPY AMOG US ??!?!?!?!?!?111". Reddit. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  2. ↑ Lewdvik (January 16, 2021). "Stonetoss is sus, let's vote him off". Reddit. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  3. ↑ bamboosle (January 20, 2021). "Picture memes ANI3IfOJ8 by bamboosle". iFunny. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  4. ↑ transformers1_480p (January 16, 2021). "pebble throw". Reddit. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  5. ↑ AtbBerare (January 23, 2021). "Amogus". Reddit. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  6. ↑ Iceorb711 (January 27, 2021). "A cumus ඞ". Reddit. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  7. ↑ MenesSlavos (January 30, 2021). "Memes de vìdeo kuJ6VXzK8 por MenesSlavos". iFunny. Retrieved March 8, 2021.
  8. ↑ KindaCringe2 (February 5, 2021). "Sus!!!!!". Reddit. Retrieved March 8, 2021.

