Teh Meme Wiki
Big Floppa
File:Big Floppa.jpg
Vital statistics
Gender {{{gender}}}
French Grosse Disquette
Spanish flop grande
German große Floppa
Japanese ビッグフロッパ
Italian Grande Floppa
Korean {{{korean}}}
Arabic {{{arabic}}}
Chinese 大弗洛帕
Species {{{species}}}
Date Created {{{datecreated}}}
Origin {{{origin}}}
Family Andrey Bondarev
Elena Bondareva

Prozhony (Previous Owner)
Friends Justin

On December 23rd, 2019, Instagram user prozhony posted a photograph of his pet caracal named Gosha (Гоша) and another cat lying on a window. The image received over 16,600 views in six months (driven largely by its meme popularity).

Meme "Big Floppa" originated in reference to the caracal's distinctive large tufted ears.

Gosha was born on December 21, 2017 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In April 2018, he was adopted by Andrey Bondarev and Elena Bondareva from Moscow. Andrey and Elena also own a housecat named Justin (Russian: Жора, Zhora), who is 4 years older than Gosha and shares a room with him. Gosha enjoys eating shrimp and mice and is very active around his apartment.

In 2020, Gosha had surgery to remove a tumour from behind his ear, but subsequently recovered.

Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, many social media websites and services have been banned in Russia, including Instagram, where Gosha's owners typically post. In response to this, a post was made on their instagram page which read "Dear friends, today Instagram will be blocked in Russia, but we remain with you!". Soon after this announcement, they also announced the creation of a YouTube channel and a Telegram channel. Gosha's YouTube channel, called 'Big Floppa Official.

l' hosts livestreams of Gosha with various webcams around Andrey and Elena's house. As of March 2022, Gosha's channel has 17.2k subscribers.

Big Floppa is apart of a series on Internet Cats
Memes Basement CatBig FloppaBikecatBusiness CatCat GaspCat throwing a brickCathulhuCeiling CatGravity CatGrumpy CatHappy catLongcatMaxwell CatNEDMNyan CatSpeedycatTac NaynThurston WafflesZippocatRunni cats