Teh Meme Wiki
Tic Taw Videos “Hi!” Meme- HD

A copy of the meme, created from the rediscovered film print. We are so lucky to have this print.

Tic Taw Videos- “Hi!” Meme is a meme created from the 2019 Tic Taw Video franchise. It was intended as a meme when the film print was included in the original release as a blooper. It is commonly associated with Baseball (specifically Aaron Judge and the Yankees) as well as greetings memes.


The meme was always identified by the cast of the video franchise. It was filmed along with multiple other clips in late-November 2018 when production for the first video was created. There were 4 videos in total, all deleted in the end of 2020 and deemed lost. The meme survives as a black and white print as it was included in the remix of clips known as “Tribute to Tic Taw”, which was the second video. The only one to be rediscovered. The meme was officially created later.


The meme went largely unpopular but for a brief trend in small-minority groups of people. That is not to say it may be relevant in the future.
